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Howto create a pull request on github.com

I created my first Debian package (automx) in the last few weeks. It is already in SID and I’m happy to report that I’ve already got my first bug report (#731233). automx is available via Github. So it was easy to file a pull request to fix the problem in upstream too. But how can such a pull request be created? Fear not, it’s very easy. I assume you already have a Github Account.

EMail Tagging with Postfix and Dovecot

I’m using Postfix and Dovecot for the EMail service on wreiner.at and all hosted domains. Often you need an EMail address on websites to get their services but sometimes you are not sure what happens to this EMail address, will it get sold, or sometimes you want to just add a filter which moves the invoices of your hosting provider automatically into a specific folder. Certainly you don’t want to create aliases for everything, so the good people defining the EMail standards thought of that as well - EMail Tagging.

Find out if a Subversion Repository is using fsfs or bdb

As our Subversion server could maybe use some tweaks I was wondering how I can find out if my repositories are using fsfs or bdb as the backend for storing the versioning information. It’s fairly easy to determine, simply check the content of the file fs-type within the repository. for i in `find /srv/subversion/repos -name fs-type`; do echo -n "$i: "; cat $i; done